
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Promo video

This is a promotional video I was asked to do by Stockport Sports FC. They wanted to show all the changes being made to their team before the new season starts.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Copyright is poop.

I really want to make this t-shirt a reality but unfortunately I was too lazy to draw the character Ronald Ray-Gun completely off the top of my head. I instead copied a picture from a book on how to draw retro cartoons. This book! I basically drew the body that was in the book and then made my own head up and added a ray gun. So now I've gotta try and make a body for this dude from scratch. It shouldn't be too hard but I just really like this one already!

I was thinking of continuing this theme and coming up with other retro cartoons based on famous people. So far i've got George Rush which is just George Bush if he was like The Flash and the other is Burnt Bacharach which would be Burt Bacharach mixed with Twoface.

Sunday 8 July 2012

This time I'm telling the truth!

So that last post was all about selling stuff online. Well that didn't go so well so here's my new store!

It's my own site and all that is on there is my t-shirts.
Going to be selling some other things in the future. Like badges and what not. Got some really good ideas but that's only if I start making enough money from this to do something really good with it.

Keep an eye out!
